To access my photos, simply move the arrow key to the Photos Menu and when the scroll-down window appears select the country or region you'd like to see. Although I tried to include only the most representative samples (roughly ten percent of the total photographs taken) this still amounts to a ton of photos. I realize not everyone is fond of going through so many pictures. Feel free to click the arrow on the right hand side of the photos to speed up the process. All of my photographs are captioned so you'll get an idea of what you're looking at. 

     These trip photos were intended to enhance my journals. It is my hope that after reading any of the travelogues on the Journal webpage, visitors to this site would then view the corresponding photographs to gain a better understanding of what I was describing. One of the joys of world travel is to impart one's experiences, perhaps encouraging others to explore this wonderful planet we all share together. In addition to photographing the landmark historical sites, I attempted to capture 'cultural glimpses' of the societies I've visited. I am not a professional photographer, as you will soon discover, and sometimes my pictures are off-centered, slightly blurry or contain nothing more than street images. But I think, together with the journals, they help visualize my narrative...

     Please note: this is an active website; I will be continuously editing and adding pictures and captions to my photo galleries and posting new journals over the coming months (and years), so I invite you to please keep coming back. 

             The Traveling Mailman's Photos